Sunday, December 8, 2024

Interviewing Yousef

OK. So after planning everything, I went to Yousef's house to film the interview. Unfortunately, Gabi was busy the whole weekend, so I had to do what I had to do and go film the interview on my lonesome. I have a lot of experience doing interviews tho, so it ain't that bad. Still shooting an interview alone can be a hassle sometimes. Focusing on the shot and the audio and asking the questions and making sure the interviewee is giving solid responses that you can use, and all this while trying to be engaged in the conversation. It can be a lot. But thankfully it went pretty well. 

I set up my shot in his living room and his window was right behind us. Big mistake. It was only 4pm when I was interviewing him but thanks to daylight savings the sun wasn't too far from setting. I DESPISE DAYLIGHT SAVINGS. I hate it so much. It is so pointless. So so pointless. Do not make my day shorter, that is so stupid. And it was made so some dude could catch more bugs. Ridiculous. I hate it. Anyway, this put the sun almost perpendicular to the window and made it so that whenever the sun was partially covered by even the smallest cloud, the living room would get slightly darker. This was like tenfold in the camera though and it looked like it was switching from day to night for some shots, it was annoying. I tried my best to fix it during the interview and tried adjusting the ISO when I was asking questions, but nature still had its way with me. 

The shot in question

Apart from this, I asked Yousef all of the questions and his responses were great, he even showed me some videos of him in Pakistan after the interview was over that I thought could be used as b-roll. After the interview, I got a b-roll of Yousef, close-ups of his eyes, his hands, him sitting down outside, a Palestinian flag, etc. I knew I probably wasn't going to see any of it since all of my b-roll would be archival footage, but I got it anyway just in case. Next step was putting it all together.

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