Friday, March 15, 2024


Alright, so I need STUFF for my opening. This includes the phone, the gun, maybe some blood, and possibly the clothes. I'm unsure about those last two because for the blood, the only thing I'll show of the woman would be a hand, or her in the body bag, so blood isn't entirely necessary since I'm not showing the wound or anything. BUT, the blood would make it clear that she died. For the clothes, I may have something sufficient already so I may not have to go out and buy anything. If I don't, then my actors might since the costume design isn't anything extravagant. Worst case, I can order it online or go...anywhere.

For the phone though, I will need to buy that sometime soon. I liked the idea of a rotary phone, but thinking about it, it may seem out of place since I have set the film opening in the present time through the dialogue and the costumes. So then I began thinking about modern home phones and liked that. I wanted it to be red, not only to stand out but to indicate a looming danger. 

It would end up looking something like this. 

For blood, I did some research. Looking up “how to make realistic-looking blood” may have put me on a watchlist, but it’ll be worth it. When looking at the results, one recipe seemed to be pretty consistent among a bunch of websites. 1 cup of corn syrup, 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup, and red food coloring. This seemed pretty easily achievable, all I really have to buy would be red food coloring, so sounds good to me.

Now, the gun. So turns out, I don’t need to buy or research anything for this. Cause I already have a fake gun. To be honest, I have no idea why or when I got it, but I’ve had it for a long time. And it works perfectly for this. It’s a realistic-looking pistol that is the exact fit for my opening since I already had it in mind when coming up with my idea.

This is pretty much all the mise-en-scene elements I need to worry about as they are the big ones. My next goals are making a shot list and doing some font and credit research.

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