Friday, September 22, 2023

Camera Shots/Angles

One of the first projects assigned in my AICE media course was the camera shots and angles quiz. We were put in groups to make a PowerPoint slide consisting of 15 pictures with different shots and angles that told a story about a object of our choice through visuals only. 

My group chose water bottles as objects and our story was about one bottle stopping another from taking their life. After coming up with the premise, we came up with a shot list to help keep us organized and make sure that we got all required shots. Afterwards, we made the PowerPoint and put the photos in separate slides and wrote a short summary of the shot we used and why we used them.

I believe that my group's organization was useful, but I think it would have been better if each shot and how we ordered the shots had more meaning and purpose.

Camera Shots PowerPoint Link: file:///C:/Users/0613125780/Downloads/Camera%20Shots%20Quiz.pdf

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Creative Critical Reflection

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