Friday, October 27, 2023

Sound Project

    For our sound project, the class was put into pairs and had to brainstorm a 1-2 minute story that we could make using only sound effects and at least 4 Foley sound effects. The story had to be something that could actually happen in 1-2 minutes and we could only use 7 words for any dialogue, narrowing the possibilities that we had. The main focus of the project was to create a full soundscape and have depth and layering with all of our sounds and create a real world. 

  The pairs were required to make an outline to make sure that we had enough sounds and Foley to fill up the scene that we came up with. The pictures on the right is the outline that my partner and I came up with for our scene.

    My partner and I came up with the idea to do a western duel. We first came up with the main sounds that would be most important and primary to the project. We settled that these sounds would be the horse entering the scene, the main cowboy getting off the horse and walking, a church bell ringing, the dialogue, the gunshot, and the main cowboy laughing and walking back to his horse. After settling on the more important sounds, we began constructing the world by deciding what should be in the background. We decided on wind, sand, tumbleweed, birds and insects chirping, and people murmuring. All of these sounds would be the basis of our soundscape and create the world that we came up with.
    We then had to decided what sounds we would Foley and what we would just use online sound effects for. We decided to Foley what was the most accessible things to Foley, which was the horse hooves, the walking, the revolver, and the belt and clothes sounds that the cowboy would make. For the sound effects, went on multiple websites, such as YouTube, pixabay, free sound, sound bible, etc. This gave us all the resources we needed to create our soundscape.
       For editing the scene, my partner edited the beginning of the horse entering, the ending after the main cowboy shoots the other one, and the overall ambient sounds found throughout. I did the middle chunk of the the cowboy getting off the horse, walking, the climax of the revolver firing and I put all of the sounds together at the end. I used premiere pro to edit my sound. A screenshot of my timeline below shows the layering that I had for my section.

Below is the final product:

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